Several Greening Tetbury positive actions you can get involved with:
2 events in the next few months
Our wildlife corridors project
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust nature recording work

Saturday 15th June Great Big Green Day, Market House Tetbury
If you’re available on the day and willing to help out with setting up or manning our stalls it would be greatly appreciated, as much or as little as you can do.
Stalls Confirmed:
Greening Tetbury displays; Glos Wildlife Trust; Yellow Lighted Bookshop; Hedgehog Rescue; Sow a Bean Workshop; Seed Swap; Clothes Swap; Refills and Sustainable Shopping Information table; Wax Wrap Workshop; Make do and Mend table; Tetbury Men in Sheds; Library Display and Story Corner
If you’d like to help with Great Big Green day, please contact us at and of course please spread the word and come even if you can’t help.
Greening Tetbury Garden Walk, September - date to be confirmed…
Anne is planning a very informal Garden Walk for GT members, to visit each others gardens and find out about each others efforts to be wildlife friendly. It would start at one garden and then, Pied Piper like, walk to each garden in turn, finishing with a bring and share picnic (indoors or out as weather permits) in the last garden.
We just need some gardeners willing to let us in and would love to see yours. Please don’t think you have to be big or all bells whistling (?) or that you would have to spend days getting your garden ready- we want to see your garden warts and all, messy isn’t stressy: what has worked and what hasn’t are equally valuable… if only to reassure and encourage the rest of us in our own puny efforts.)
….And of course you can come, even if we aren’t visiting your garden.
If you’d like to participate in the GT Garden Walk, please get in touch.
Wildlife Corridors
As you know Greening Tetbury’s focus for the near future is encouraging farmers and landowners, as well as Tetbury residents, to make their land more wildlife friendly. The aim is to expand and join up the existing pockets of species rich areas that are under threat and create migration corridors in and around the town, as well as joining to corridors outside our area. We’ve been talking to the National trust, the Farming and Wildlife Advisory group and have started to have discussions with local landowners. Fergus recently also secured help from Gloucestershire Wildlfe Trust in the form of an offer to supply hedging and volunteers to plant.
Let us know if you would like to get involved in this work.
You might also be interested in being a GWT habbimapper
Find out how you can be trained as a habimapper and add to the natural capital map via this link. This is a living document, recording what and where species are present in Gloucestershire. It's is a vital step before action can be taken to encourage and allow species to spread and thrive. The map will be used to inform the Nature Recovery Strategy for Gloucestershire, made mandatory for all councils in the 2021 Environment Act.